Seasonal Specialties Certifies That Its Products Are Phthalate Free

Posted: 11/21/2014  browse the blog archive
Seasonal Specialties Certifies That Its Products Are Phthalate Free

Just ahead of the holidays, Seasonal Specialties has certified to Russell Brimer and The Chanler Group that its LED lights and other string lights with PVC cables, vinyl/PVC greenery, and holiday ornaments manufactured in or distributed to California are now free of the phthalate chemicals di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP), di-n-butyl phthalate (DBP), and butyl benzyl phthalate (BBP).

Earlier this year, Brimer reached a settlement with Seasonal Specialties in regards to alleged violations of Proposition 65.  DEHP, DBP, and BBP are chemicals known to the State of California to cause birth defects and other reproductive harm, and companies offering products for sale that contain these chemicals must provide consumers with a health hazard warning.  Brimer alleged that Seasonal Specialties had sold LED lights and other string lights with PVC cables to California consumers without providing such a warning.

Part of Seasonal Specialties’ civil penalties has been waived as a result of this certification.

The Chanler Group represents citizen enforcers who, acting in the public interest, commence actions against businesses offering products for sale in California that contain chemicals known to cause cancer or reproductive harm without first providing the health hazard warning required by Proposition 65. Citizen enforcers bringing Proposition 65 actions in the public interest may obtain a Court Judgment imposing civil penalties, an injunction requiring reformulation of products, and/or provision of health hazard warnings. The Chanler Group has represented citizen enforcers of Proposition 65 for more than twenty years.