Brimer v. Aramco Imports, Inc.
The dispute between citizen enforcer Russell Brimer and defendant Aramco Imports, Inc. that was originally resolved on November 20, 2009 in Brimer v. Aramco Imports, Inc., et al., was recently reviewed when Brimer alleged that Aramco had sold mugs with colored artwork that violated the terms of the Agreement. On March 6, 2012, Brimer and Aramco entered into an out-of-court Settlement Agreement that resolved Brimer’s allegations that Aramco sold mugs with colored artwork or designs that contained the heavy metal lead in the State of California without providing the requisite health hazard warnings
As part of the settlement, Aramco agreed not to distribute or sell any mugs in California after March 6, 2013, unless the mugs contain no detectable amount of lead.
The Consent Judgment requires settlement payments of $30,000, divided therein between civil penalties, 75% of which are paid to California’s Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, and compensation to whistleblower Brimer and his counsel for their successful enforcement of this matter in the public interest.