Auto Interior & Accessories

On December 30, 2010, citizen enforcer John Moore and settling defendant Remington Industries, Inc. ("Remington") entered into an out-of-court Settlement Agreement, which resolved Moore's allegations that Remington sold automotive floor mats containing the phthalate chemical di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate ("DEHP") in the State of California without providing...
October 16, 2013
Whistleblower John Moore resolved his allegations against the defendant G.H. Meiser & Co. (“Meiser”) in the enforcement action Moore v. G.H. Meiser & Co., et al., when the parties executed a Consent Judgment on October 16, 2013.  In this matter, Moore alleged that Meiser sold tire deflators that contain the phthalate chemical di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate...
DEHP, Lead
October 12, 2010
On October 12, 2010, citizen enforcer Russell Brimer and settling defendant Accessories Marketing, Inc. ("Accessories Marketing") entered into an out-of-court Settlement Agreement, which resolved Brimer's allegations that Accessories Marketing sold tire pressure gauge products that exposed users to the heavy metal lead in the State of California without providing...
May 20, 2013
In the enforcement action Englander v. Winston Products LLC, the parties executed a Consent Judgment on May 20, 2013.  The case resolved citizen enforcer Peter Englander’s allegations that the defendant Winston Products LLC (“Winston”) sold towing straps, ropes, and tiedowns, containing the heavy metal lead in the State of California without providing...