Dried Seaweed


  • dried seaweed
March 2, 2015
Our client Dr. Anthony Held has reached a settlement agreement with Daiso California LLC, resolving allegations that Daiso violated Proposition 65 by selling dried seaweed containing the chemical element arsenic as well as earphones and headphones containing the phthalate chemical DEHP, without the requisite health hazard warning.  Arsenic is known to the State of...
February 26, 2015
On February 26, 2015, the parties executed an out-of-court Settlement Agreement, which resolved the allegations that whistleblower Anthony E. Held, Ph.D, P.E., made against settling party Daiso California LLC (“Daiso”).  In this matter, Held alleged that Daiso sold dried seaweed containing the chemical arsenic, earphones with vinyl/PVC cords containing di(2-...
Arsenic, DEHP