Vinyl/PVC Bracelets

February 23, 2016
On February 23, 2016, citizen enforcer Paul Wozniak and settling party SUPERVALU INC. (“Supervalu”) entered into an out-of-court settlement agreement.  Wozniak had alleged that Supervalu sold nylon cooking utensils containing the chemical 4,4’-methylenedianiline (“4,4’-MDA”) and vinyl/PVC bracelets containing the phthalate chemical di(2...
4,4'-MDA, DEHP
March 16, 2015
The parties involved in the case Leeman v. The Dollfus Mieg Company, Inc. executed a Consent Judgment on March 16, 2015.  In this matter, citizen enforcer Whitney R. Leeman, Ph.D alleged that The Dollfus Mieg Company, Inc. (“Dollfus”) sold vinyl/PVC bracelets, Stitch Bow rolls with vinyl/PVC components, vinyl/PVC binder inserts, and embroidery and needlework...
Art Supplies, Sewing